The Lamanti coffee machines are on display in the Coffee Centers in Prague, Mladá Boleslav and Liberec – just come to take a look at them and try them for yourself. We’ll be happy to help you not only pick up the best device for you but also select the freshly roasted beans so your coffee or milky specialties always taste the best.

We're constantly looking for the ways to make our customers satisfied, so we put most emphasis into reliable and flawless operations. Our long-term goal is to provide aftersales services and customer care at the highest level. Our customers are entitled for a free service check of their professional coffee machines after 9 months of operations, and the comfortable PICK-UP system of repairs during the warranty period (we pick up the devices, repair them and then deliver them back to their owners).

If necessary, we're ready to lend you a surrogate coffee machine for the repair period. However, most of the repairs in the authorized service centers are finished within 24 hours, as we know well that coffee makes life better.

In case of any malfunction, feel free to call our service line, and we’ll take care about the rest.

Lamanti Service Center

Poděbradská 56/186 
19000 Praha 9 
Czech Republic

Hotline +420 733133621 



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